Friday, May 12, 2006

Hello to all in the blogosphere...

There were so many things I wanted to say in this first post ranging from my utter exasperation with the Bush Administration to my undying love of Costco - and we will get into all of it but I present this to you if you haven't seen it already...

This is a link to Steven Colbert's performance at the White House Press correspondent's dinner. As a comedian I can tell you this is one of the ballsiest performances in the history of comedy. Not only does he rip President Jesus a new one (sitting just a few feet away) but he also comes right into the house of the press and lays them to waste. I've seen a lot of great moments in comedy and I've seen and heard a lot of so called political comedians but this sets the bar to a new level.

Please watch and enjoy - and relish the true meaning of freedom of speech - you'll laugh, you'll cry - you'll shit.

Good Night and Good Luck,



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